In line filters spin‑on

In line filters spin‑on
These filters are specifically designed to be connected on the suction or in the return line of the hydraulic circuit and provide versatility to safeguard the circuit components from contaminating particles.
HF 620-625 series
  • Easy filtering elements replacement .
  • Differential visual indicator.
  • Interchangeable with major manufacturers.
HF 650 series
  • Easy filtering elements replacement .
  • High filtration performances .
  • Operating pressure 35 bar .
  • Interchangeable with major manufacturers .
In line filters spin-on
In line filters spin-on Nominal Flow Operating Pressure *Degree of Filtration
(L/MIN) (Bar) FG (μm) MS (μm) SP (μm) RP (μm)
HF 620 350 12 10-25 60-90-125 10-25 10-25
HF 625 220 15 10-25 60-90-125 10-25
HF 650 180 135 3‑6‑10‑16‑25
(*): FG = micro‑fibre glass / MS = zinc plated steel wire mesh / SP = cellulose / RP = reinforced cellulose